Saturday, 21 March 2015

explorer.exe and Print Management suddenly stops in a Citrix environment

Hi all!

Some weeks ago I hit my head with a easy but annoying error: When a user opens a explorer.exe or Print Management published application in a Citrix environment, the application suddenly stops/disappear with no error message. After a time troubleshooting, it seems to appear a hidden error message: Server execution failed

In spite of we have two different errors: explorer.exe and Print Management, the error is the same because Print Management application runs explorer.exe with a parameter.


Citrix 7.5 running Windows Server 2008 R2.

The problem:

The error appears because Windows Explorer looks for "Personal" folder specified in the registry hive:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders\

If the folder does not exist, fails.


The problem was detected and solved by Microsoft with the KB2444677

If you cannot apply the KB article(restart needed, or others...) you can do two actions:
  1. Change the folder path for an existing
  2. Create the specified folder

Hope it helps!

Wednesday, 7 January 2015

[FastToUse] - Find Exchange 2010 AntiSpam filtered e-mails.

When you need to check if an email is filtered by Exchange 2010 AntiSpam filters, it use to be a tedious task. This will not be a problem if you use a simple script to find the filtered e-mail by domain o full-e-mail address.

Fast Instructions:
  • Copy & Paste the following PowerShell code into a FindSPAMemails.ps1 file.
  • Save the file in a accessible site in order to use it when necessary.

add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010; . 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\Exchange.ps1'
while (1 -eq 1){
                $domini = Read-Host 'Enter the domain name or mail address(i.e: or'
                Write-Host "You entered: " $domini " , starting search..."
                Get-AgentLog | select P1FromAddress,P2FromAddresses,Agent,Action,Reason,ReasonData,Diagnostics,Timestamp | where {$_.Action -ne "AcceptMessage"} | where {$_.P1FromAddress -like "*$domini*"}
                $opcio = Read-Host 'Continue searching? (Y/N), default option -> N'
                while ($ok -ne "ok"){
                               if(($opcio -eq "N") -or ($opcio -eq "n") -or ($opcio -eq "")) {exit}
                               elseif(($opcio -eq "Y") -or ($opcio -eq "y")) {$ok="ok"}
                                               $opcio = Read-Host 'Incorrect option, continue searching? (Y/N), default option -> N'

More Information: