When you need to check if an email is filtered by Exchange 2010 AntiSpam filters, it use to be a tedious task. This will not be a problem if you use a simple script to find the filtered e-mail by domain o full-e-mail address.
Fast Instructions:
- Copy & Paste the following PowerShell code into a FindSPAMemails.ps1 file.
- Save the file in a accessible site in order to use it when necessary.
add-pssnapin Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010; . 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V14\bin\Exchange.ps1'
while (1 -eq 1){
$domini = Read-Host 'Enter the domain name or mail address(i.e: domain.com or mail@domain.com)'
Write-Host "You entered: " $domini " , starting search..."
Get-AgentLog | select P1FromAddress,P2FromAddresses,Agent,Action,Reason,ReasonData,Diagnostics,Timestamp | where {$_.Action -ne "AcceptMessage"} | where {$_.P1FromAddress -like "*$domini*"}
$opcio = Read-Host 'Continue searching? (Y/N), default option -> N'
while ($ok -ne "ok"){
if(($opcio -eq "N") -or ($opcio -eq "n") -or ($opcio -eq "")) {exit}
elseif(($opcio -eq "Y") -or ($opcio -eq "y")) {$ok="ok"}
$opcio = Read-Host 'Incorrect option, continue searching? (Y/N), default option -> N'
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